Release June 27, 2025 15 types of cards + 8 types (Parallels)Every deck you purchase has a chance to contain one of the following! [OFR] Rare cards with a frameless...
Release June 27, 2025 15 types of cards + 8 types (Parallels)Every deck you purchase has a chance to contain one of the following! [OFR] Rare cards with a frameless...
Release June 27, 2025 15 types of cards + 8 types (Parallels)Every deck you purchase has a chance to contain one of the following! [OFR] Rare cards with a frameless...
Release June 27, 2025 15 types of cards + 8 types (Parallels)Every deck you purchase has a chance to contain one of the following! [OFR] Rare cards with a frameless...
Release June 27, 2025 15 types of cards + 8 types (Parallels)Every deck you purchase has a chance to contain one of the following! [OFR] Rare cards with a frameless...
Release date: June 27th, 2025 6 Cards per pack10 Packs per booster box20 Booster boxes per case Only cases are eligible for deposits/partial payments. You may put a 20% deposit...
Release date: April 25th, 2025 4 Decks per display 8 Displays per case Only cases are eligible for deposits/partial payments. You may put a 20% deposit and pay the rest...
Release date: April 18th, 2025 Only cases are eligible for deposits/partial payments. You may put a 20% deposit and pay the rest of the balance when we ship the order....
Release date: May 30, 2025 21 types of cards + 21 types (Parallel)In addition, every deck you purchase is guaranteed to contain one of the following![RRR] Embossed Cards: 19 types[SP]...
Release date: February 28th, 2025 TVアニメ『ガールズバンドクライ』がヴァイスシュヴァルツに登場!2024年12月27日(金)発売のプレミアムブースターと合わせても遊べる、これからヴァイスシュヴァルツをはじめる方におすすめの商品です!■新規描き下ろしイラスト5点を収録予定!■SP(スペシャル)カードは、作中に登場した「トゲナシトゲアリ」メンバーの箔押しキャラクターサインカード! Only cases are eligible for deposits/partial payments. You may put a 20% deposit and pay the rest of the balance when we ship the...
Release date: APRIL 18th, 2025 PO DEADLINE: JANUARY 2ND, 2025 Only cases are eligible for deposits/partial payments. You may put a 20% deposit and pay the rest of the balance...
Release date: January 31st, 2025 ■特別仕様カード情報カード50枚の中には【RRR/SP】のうち1枚が必ず収録!【RRR】豪華RRR仕様カード…18種【SP】出演キャストの箔押しサインカード…3種・若山詩音さん(甘神朝姫役)・本渡 楓さん(甘神夕奈役)・上坂すみれさん(甘神夜重役) Only cases are eligible for deposits/partial payments. You may put a 20% deposit and pay the rest of the balance when we ship...
Release date: January 31st, 2025 バーチャルだけどリアル 少女たちと「いま」を描く青春学園ドラマ『蓮ノ空女学院スクールアイドルクラブ』がヴァイスシュヴァルツに登場!買ってすぐに遊べるトライアルデッキ!これからヴァイスシュヴァルツをはじめる方におすすめの商品です!ブースターパックのカードと混ぜてデッキを組むこともできるので、そちらの発売もお楽しみに!<特別仕様カード情報>●豪華仕様の箔押しデザインカードを9種収録!※本商品に箔押しサインカードの収録はございません。 Only cases are eligible for deposits/partial payments. You may put a 20% deposit and pay the rest of the balance when we ship...
Release date: January 31st, 2025 カード種類数:ノーマル100種+パラレル(予定) ■描き下ろしイラスト情報!Dream Believers衣装姿のメンバー9人の描き下ろしイラストを収録!■ボックス特典(予定)特製先攻後攻カード全18種のうち、いずれか1枚をボックス内に封入!※再版分への封入は未定です。 Only cases are eligible for deposits/partial payments. You may put a 20% deposit and pay the rest of the balance when we...
Release Date: October 4th , 2024 Each pack guarantees 1 shiny hot stamped card! What’s more! SP (Special) cards also come witha hot stamped sign! Signs included: Fairouz Ai...
From official distributors of Kakawow, we guarantee authenticity of this product. Each case contains 36 booster boxes. Each booster box contains 20 booster packs. Each booster packs contains 3 cards...
Shipping June 30th, 2023 Purchase 20 booster boxes for a sealed case. Product Specifications Total: 180 cards + special foils B (Bronze) 64 S (Silver) 56 G...
Release date: September 22nd, 2024
6 decks per display, 6 displays per case.
Guaranteed allocation, order with confidence.
Deposits are not accepted for this order.
Shadowverse: Evolve (English Edition) Booster Set Display: Reign of Bahamut. Shadowverse: Evolve is a competitive trading card game based on the digital collectible card game Shadowverse. The gameplay closely follows...
From official distributors of Kakawow, we guarantee authenticity of this product. Each case contains 36 booster boxes. Each booster box contains 20 booster packs. Each booster packs contains 3...
RELEASE DATE: SEPTEMBER 18TH, 2023 EXPECTED SHIPPING DATE: SEPTEMBER 24TH, 2023 From official distributors of Kakawow, we guarantee authenticity of this product. Each case contains 36 booster boxes. Each booster box...
Sonny Angel Minifigures Wearing Animal Headgear. Figures comes in a blind box. Let's open the box to see what you get!Total lineup of 12 different figures + Secret figures.One assorted...
Sonny Angel Minifigures Wearing Animal Headgear. Figures come in a blind box. Let's open the box to see what you get!Total lineup of 12 different figures + Secret figures.One assorted...
Sonny Angel Minifigures with Headgear of Colorful Vegetables. Figures comes in a blind box. Let's open the box to see what you get!Total lineup of 12 different figures + Secret...
SHIPPING BY SEPTEMBER 22ND, 2023 Sonny Angel HIPPERS - Harvest Series! Introducing the second installment of the popular Sonny Angel HIPPERS collection: Harvest Series! In this series, Sonny Angel is wearing...
Sonny Angel Minifigures with Headgear of Sea Creatures. Figures comes in a blind box. Let's open the box to see what you get!Total lineup of 12 different figures + Secret...
Sonny Angel Minifigures Wearing Colorful Fruit Headgear Figures comes in a blind box. Let's open the box to see what you get!Total lineup of 12 different figures + Secret figures.One...
Sonny Angel HIPPERS Sonny Angel Hippers are a brand new way to bring Sonny Angel into your daily life! These adorable decorative minifigures come with adhesive tape to stick onto your...
Sonny Angel Minifigures with Headgear of Fancy Flowers and Plants. Figures comes in a blind box. Let's open the box to see what you get!Total lineup of 12 different figures...
Smiski Dressing Series! SMISKI Underpants SMISKI putting on underpants. He is embarrassed, so he is sneaking around so he can‘t be seen. SMISKI Struggling A sad SMISKI who is trying on...
Smiski @ WORK Series! Smiski is finding new places to hide in the corner of your workplace!They glow when their surroundings are dark and their life remains a mystery... Let Smiski...
Smiski is in your Bedroom! Smiski are curious little creatures that love hiding in corners and small spaces. Product details 6 kinds + May contain SecretOne of these 6 figure...
SMISKI Living series Let the living room become a more relaxing space. Smiski are curious creatures that love hiding around corners and small spaces.They stay hidden and their existence is...
Smiski is in your corner!This series features Smiski cheering you on and motivating you! Smiski are curious creatures that love hiding around corners and small spaces. Product details 6 kinds...
We found a new type of blue SMISKI hiding in the bathroom! Smiski are curious creatures that love hiding around corners and small spaces.They stay hidden and their existence is...
Yoga with SMISKI…?! This is a unique series in which Smiski shows off yoga poses! Smiski are curious creatures that love hiding around corners and small spaces.They stay hidden and...
Smiski are curious little creatures that love hiding in small spaces and corners of your room. Although they like to stay hidden, you might discover one at night as they...